Crestwood Public School

Onwards and Upwards

Telephone02 9624 3950

About our school

Crestwood Public School is situated in Baulkham Hills in the north west sector of Sydney. Although the school is removed from main roads it is only 2km from the M2 motorway. The school is situated in an established residential area. The pleasant physical environment features extensive landscaped and grassed areas which are complemented by the expansive grounds of Crestwood Reserve, which is opposite the school.

While all Key Learning Areas are addressed, particular emphasis is placed on literacy and numberacy, musical activities and sporting programs. The school has allocated substantial resources to technology with whole-school cabling and classroom computers providing internet and intranet facitilities.

Community participation is extensive with parents supporting teaching and learning, school initiatives, special programs and activities. Strong partnerships with the community and supportive parent bodies ensure that communication between staff and parents is extensive and ongoing.