Crestwood Public School

Onwards and Upwards

Telephone02 9624 3950


iPads/Android Devices

iPads and Android tablet devices are an integral part of the school's e-learning philosophy and are embedded as part of each child's learning. With the use of iPads and Android devices within all Key Learning Areas, our students are far more engaged in their learning, able to access information via the internet and utilise the variety of applications already available on each device.


Our students are experiencing the connections between their social world and their educational world and are provided real time feedback.


Interactive White Boards

At Crestwood, Interactive White Boards are used every day as a form of facilitating student learning through a cycle of engagement, interest, modelling and instruction. Our Interactive White Boards are also used for multimedia displays, student presentations, sharing class news and modelling the use of computer programs.


The high quality sound system that is attached to each White Board allows us to show students current world events, listen to songs and watch recordings made inside and outside the classroom.


Our school Library and Computer Lab also feature Interactive White Boards. Stories come to life through digital books and students benefit from using the white boards during targeted, small group activities where they can all clearly watch, talk and interact with each other.


Connected Classroom/Computer Lab

Our Connected Classroom allow the students to attend virtual excursions, meet with authors and our staff can attend a variety of professional development sessions. Our computer lab is available for all classes to support their learning. Our lab is available daily and opens at lunch times for students to work on the computers.