The Parent and Citizens Association (P&C) of Crestwood Public School meet at 7:00pm in the school weathershed on the second Tuesday of the month during school terms only.
The role of our P&C is to work together, as a team, to enhance the school for the benefit of our children. The meetings provide a forum for parents to come together to find out what is happening in the school. At our monthly meetings we make decisions or how we allocate funds raised through the voluntary contribution levy, as well as any funds contributed from our sub committees. We also have the opportunity to listen to reports from our Principal and our various sub committees.
The P&C works with the school by providing parental support on committees as well as coordinating any fund raising activities for important school projects. It really is a team effort.
The P&C has a formal structure with a constitution and a President, 2 Vice President's, Secretary and Treasurer. These office bearers are elected at the Annual General Meeting which is held at the first P&C meeting in June.
The current P&C Committee members are:
President - Katie Donnelly
Vice Presidents - Simon Hirshbein and Julian Doyle
Treasurer - Kylie Swinnerton
Secretary - Jade Perrau
Preloved Uniforms - Yasmin Duckworth
Events - Katie Donnelly
Canteen Convenor - Dannii Kelly
Please read our information sheet to find out more information about Crestwood P&C.
This information sheet provides more information about the Crestwood P&C voluntary levy.
We use Munch Monitor for online ordering for both recess and lunch. Our Crestwood Canteen Fact Sheet explains how Munch Monitor works.
Crestwood P&C can be contacted at
Please see the P&C website for more information